Don Estes, Founder of InnerSense, Inc.
Don Estes is a certified medical technologist, laboratory director and neuroscientist who has lectured worldwide on sensory science and vibrational medicine. He is also the author of many articles as well as a book called Harmonic Law: The Science of Vibration, which is illustrated by a large wall chart titled the Absolute Scale of Relative Cosmic Reality, one of the most complete compendiums of scientific and philosophical knowledge ever assembled.
He is founder and director of InnerSense, Inc. and inventor of VibraSound® Sensory Resonance technologies used by both professional and nonprofessionals all over the world for music and sound therapy, relaxation, entertainment and expanded states of mind. His unique combination of experience in both the hard and soft sciences represents the essence of true neuroscience.
Since 2001 his company, InnerSense, has been partnered with Psiometrics in Glastonbury. Together they have pioneered a new science of universal automata, which defines the physical and mental mechanisms behind the manifestation of intention. Jointly, they have designed and constructed a world-class supercomputer that can render a model of any reality in a formal mathematical language that is so exact and precise, the model is more or less the same thing as that which is being modeled. This “microcosmic emulator and emitter” can optimize, amplify and then radiate effective change back out into the internal and external environment. This amazing technology allows one to express their intention into it and experience what it looks, sounds, and feels like in the spectral domain, on the other side, where all things originate.
He has recently been appointed as Technical Director of Psiometrics, Inc., a new corporation dedicated to bringing the next generation of transformational technologies forward to assist the world in its conscious evolution.
Don has a new facility, Reality Management Center, 1428 2nd Street #400, Santa Monica, CA. www.realitymgmt.com
The Challenge
All human suffering stems from the difference between who a person says they are and who they really are. This difference creates a tension that functions like a black hole, drawing in resonant people, places, events, circumstances, and situations in an attempt to resolve the tension. This is the theme of the current universal age. The whole of the universe cannot be united until every individual part has integrated its own self. Therefore, during this age, we are all being asked to transform ourselves to a new higher order of increased harmony with the whole, by resolving the difference between our actual and potential selves.
Life's greatest challenge is to become true to one's inner self. The best things in life come from this inner world, but this special place is not always easy to find. With so much external stimulation it's sometimes difficult to turn the focus of attention inward. As Steven Spielberg's "Taken" so aptly remarks “...it's like trying to find your way back from who you've become to who you know you could have been."
Most of us have something that we would change if we could. A better job, new house, improved relationships, more time…however, these things don't just magically appear. Sure, one might manifest in a crisis from faith or even luck, but these types of transformation usually take lots of time and effort. One's ability to create their own reality is equal to the degree to which they can actualize their full potential. Things just tend to stay the same until “imagination” becomes “real.”
Sometimes we don't live up to our full potential and therefore must put up fronts, guard against exposure, and cover up our shortcomings, unwholesomeness, and failures. This type of defensive posturing uses up a lot of good energy that could be appropriated more efficiently elsewhere.
The tension that is created by such polarity results in fear, anxiety, paranoia, and loss of direction, all of which can further lead to bad health, lack of success, and dissatisfaction with life. Feelings of love, peace, connectedness, universal security, and overwhelming ecstasy are not easy to come by when the focus of attention is on the outer world. Only by returning to innerspace can such experience be found.
Although many techniques have been developed to treat the problems caused by the difference between the manifested and un-manifested self, nothing short of true harmonic transformation can have a lasting effect. Relaxation, meditation, and stress management techniques can be effective, but to be therapeutic, sincere change must occur.
The Solution
The solution to life's greatest challenge is to become whole, pure, and unified...the true self, defined as...not divided or disjoined but in one unit...not wounded, injured, or impaired, but sound and not lacking any parts...a complete thing of uniform composition, not mixed, free from impurities...in harmonic accord, without discordant qualities...an entity made up from interrelated parts with singleness and constancy of purpose and action.
In other words, to become the true self, one must first rid themselves of all unwholesomeness...the thoughts, expressions, and actions that keep them from manifesting what they want out of life. Accomplishing this goal stops the hurt, frustration, anxiety, fear, anger, disgust, contempt, hatred, and pain that continually show up in life to help teach us that we ourselves are responsible for our own progress.
There are two types of change. The most common kind is the "natural growth" of a seed to plant or child to adult...evolution from a simple form into a more complex one, which occurs whether the individual is ready or not. The only other type of growth is "harmonic transformation," which happens by choice. In order for this to occur, the tension that exists between the actual and potential self must be balanced and resolved. Of course, each person has a different time perspective and governor and therefore vary in the amount of time it takes to manifest change.
Whereas evolution occurs without any desire or effort, transformation requires the elements of choice and action. In addition to this active pursuit, harmonic transformation requires the dedicated support of others involved in one's life. An example of active pursuit is your reading this paper. Our promise to support you is an example of dedicated support. The only other requirements are the tools and energy necessary to direct and power the process. We call these....... Resources.”